Forget Star Wars sometimes you just want to see Captain Britain punch Dracula in the face.

With this weeks Avengers Time Runs Out issue being 100% Captain Britain free, and everyone discussing the new Star Wars comic I thought I might take a moment to reflect on just how great Cap is.

So from Paul Cornell’s Captain Britain and MI13 issue 15, brilliantly illustrated by Leonard Kirk comes this great two panel sequence of Captain Britain punching Dracula in the face.

First the warning

Captain Britain and Dracula

Then Kablammy straight to Dracula’s kisser.

Captain Britain punches Dracula

That’s all for now I need to get back to editing the next review for my new feature, see you soon.

Oh and for the record I quite enjoyed Marvel’s new Star Wars number one, Jason Aaron delivers a great story and John Cassady illustrates it beautifully.

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Captain Britain’s great flag mystery.

From Marvel’s Fun and Games magazine from 1977 comes this Captain Britain puzzle, as the quality of the scan makes it hard to read the mystery is can you guess which country Cap’s friends represent ?

Answers are after the second picture.

Captain Britains great flag mystery

Captain Britains great flag mystery page 2

Captain Britains great flag mystery answers

Captain Cuba, hmm the mind boggles !

You have been watching – Captain Britain.

A great mainstay of seventies British sitcoms was that as the credits rolled the cast list were introduced with the phrase ” you have been watching, ” because of this as time went by these words became thoroughly British. But what has this got to do with Captain Britain you ask, well please read on and find out.

While I was re-reading the Hell comes to Birmingham story in Captain Britain and MI-13 I remembered how the sadness that this series was cancelled was offset when I read the last page of the last issue. Curious to see if the comic still had the same impact 3-4 years later I dug it out and turned to the final page.

I think its still a fantastic full page image and I’ve put it in its entirety below, have a look at a great series ending in such a British way.

cap b you have been watching