New Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders preview pages

Courtesy of CBR we have the variant cover and some preview art from Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders to share.

Captain Britian and the Mighty Defenders variant cover by Frazer irvingCaptain Britian and the Mighty Defenders preview page 1 by Alan Davis








Captain Britian and the Mighty Defenders preview page 2 by Alan Davis

Captain Britian and the Mighty Defenders preview page 3 by Alan Davis

Captain Britian and the Mighty Defenders preview page 4 by Alan Davis

Starring Faiza Hussain and due out on July 15th, Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders will be penned by Al Ewing and Alan Davis will be on art. Frazer Irving provides the variant cover to issue one, shown above.

Is Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders on your pull list? Sound off with your thoughts about the preview art and the series in the comments box below.

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Is this why Captain Britain and Dr Doom don’t get on in Secret Wars?

As another week of Secret Wars comics comes and goes without Captain Britain I decided to re-read some old issues of Excalibur looking for interesting stories to post about. What I came across was a story that I think goes a long way to explaining why Captain Britain and Dr Doom don’t get on in Secret Wars.

Read my comments on Secret Wars 2 here if you need to bring yourself up to speed with the changes to Captain Britain first, else please continue.

The action takes place in Excalibur issue 37 from 1991, Scott Lobdell handled the script while Mark Badger provided the art. Here’s the cover.

Captain Britain and Dr Doom Excalibur 37

As you can see insanity awaits within as Dr Doom manages to trick Kitty Pryde into allowing him into the realm of Limbo where he wants to harvest the power of Promethium for his own nefarious aims.

All pretty standard super hero fare but this comic does cover a marvelous fight between Captain Britain and Dr Doom which lifts the story above what you might have expected to read.

Realizing  Dr Doom is up to no good Cap squares off against him despite Dr Doom believing himself safe.

Captain Britain and Dr Doom 1

Captain Britain using his mighty arm and brain deals Doom an unexpected blow, but just how much power can Cap muster?

Captain Britain and Dr Doom 2

Quite a lot it seems as he punches Doom into orbit around Limbo, though Doom being Doom is unimpressed, in spite of the sonic boom.

Captain Britain and Dr Doom 3

But Doom even with his seeming indifference seems to harbor a modicum of respect for Cap and his power.

So there we have a fine example of Captain Britain using his mighty mind and superb strength and making an impression on one of Marvel’s most arrogant foes, which is something even Reed Richards has had difficulty doing. This encounter might also explain Doom’s need for revenge against Cap which he sort in the pages of Captain Britain and MI-13’s Vampire state story.

Now I know that in Secret Wars the characters are supposed to not know what their lives were before they arrived in their new homes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Dr Doom has worked a way around this. Which might explain his sentencing Jamie Braddock to certain death. Even if he hasn’t it’s hard to imagine such a mighty blow from Cap not lingering at the back of Doom’s mind, and fueling his anti-Braddock sentiments.

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Captain Britain in Secret Wars 3 and what’s going on with Meggan?

There isn’t too much to report on Captain Britain in this weeks Secret Wars 3, but thanks to eagle-eyed Blog fan Eric we do have some interesting Meggan news for you.

So spoilers for Secret Wars and A-Force follow after the cover below, please don’t carry on reading if you’ve yet to read these books, and you don’t want their secrets spoiled.

Captain Britain in Secret Wars 3 cover

In what has become a regular pattern for Captain Britain after a Cap heavy story – See Secret Wars 2 – he vanishes in the next issue. So Secret Wars 3 just mentions the outcome of his face off against Baron Sinister.

Captain Britain in Secret Wars 3

Sadly we are spared the sight of the actual statue itself.

Now we are not aware of all the rules of Secret Wars and its Battleworlds, but not content to be Captain Britain’s wife in Higher Avalon another Meggan has also been spotted in Arcadia where the A-Force title is set, take a look at the picture below.

Meggan in A Force

While not named there is no doubt in my mind that that’s Meggan, what this means for the pregnant Meggan in Higher Avalon is unknown. Will either survive, is this Meggan a member of A-Force or is she just a bystander caught up in the action? Having a “spare” Meggan might allow Marvel to sidestep the complications for Captain Britain plot wise if he was to be a father post Secret Wars. Personally I would prefer both to survive and Cap to be caught between the two in a sit-com type comic similar to Friends – or perhaps not.

What are your thoughts on the lack of Captain Britain action this week? Are there two Meggan’s and which should survive? Let me know how you feel in the comments below.

Until next time you can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views by liking The Captain Britain fans’ page and Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at

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Secret Wars 2, it’s all change for Captain Britain

Hold on to your star sceptres Captain Britain fans as this weeks Secret Wars 2 has major changes in store for our hero. Yes entering the Secret War this week we have the good Cap and the citizens of Higher Avalon in all their glory, but is it the Captain Britain we know and love?

Spoilers for this weeks Secret Wars issue 2 follow the cover below, read no further if you don’t want to see what’s happened to Captain Britain now.

Secret Wars 2 with Captain Britain

So where to start? Well, it seems the all the Battleworld’s are ruled over by Dr Doom and the one Captain Britain was assigned to – Higher Avalon –  is no exception, so the Braddock family works for the good Doctor, that’s right you did read that correctly the Braddock Family, as in the picture below.

Secret Wars 2 Captain britain and family

So we have Jamie Braddock as head of the family, Brian and Meggan – who is pregnant and Betsy, yes the surprises keep coming don’t they, Meggan is pregnant as confirmed in the picture below.

Secret Wars 2 Captain britain and pregnant Meggan

The Braddock’s are summoned before Doom and soon are embroiled in a verbal battle of wits with Mr Sinister, who decides he wants the dispute settled in the old way – trial by combat against Brian. The combat starts well as you can see below.

Secret Wars 2 Captain Britain fights Mr Sinister

However even headless Sinister soon defeats Brian but Doom needs him alive as he believes he has answers to the location of a secret chamber where folk plot to defeat him.

Secret Wars 2 Captain Britain is in trouble with Doom

Things look bad for Brian until Jamie steps in and takes the blame, Brian is promoted and Doom’s hand stayed by Susan Reed – Mr Fantastic’s wife.

Secret Wars 2 Captain Britain gets promoted

Jamie’s punishment is to bring justice to the Deadlands where it seems some of the Marvel Zombies lurk.

Secret Wars 2 Jamie Braddock gets exiled

So armed with an unnamed magic sword he does just that not even letting Venom scare him.

Secret Wars 2 Jamie Braddock vs Venom

Though his chances of survival do seem quite slim.

Secret Wars 2 Jamie Braddock vs Zombies

So that’s a lot to take in, Jamie Braddock, Megan pregnant, the Braddock’s subservient to Dr Doom and a whole lot more, Secret Wars 2 pulls no punches when it comes to shaking up Captain Britain’s corner of the Marvel universe.

I find myself surprised by guessing Meggan’s pregnancy in my post here , and at the same time predicting the return of Jamie Braddock – though I thought it was the Ultimate Universe one.

So is all this change good, bad or even permanent? I’m hoping for some permanency especially with Meggan’s pregnancy which is an interesting plot twist and explains her absence in other Secret Wars titles like Mighty Defenders. It’s also an intriguing idea to see the Braddock’s not all powerful but beholden to Doom, with the Higher Avalon mystic background it brings together fantasy elements with the back stabbing and skulduggery of Games of Thrones. Hickman leaves a lot of questions unanswered such as what powers does Brian Braddock have, will Jamie survive, what is the Secret Chamber and how did that eye mysteriously reappear. Of course a lot of this could just be answered by saying it’s Secret Wars and that’s how it is, but I hope Cap and the Higher Avalon crew will reappear soon with some answers.

What do you think of Secret Wars 2 and all its Captain Britain changes? What do you think might happen next? Let me know in the comments below.

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