Just what were Alan Davis’ plans for Captain Britain in 1991?

If you speak to Captain Britain fans about his time in Excalibur nearly all will agree that the title was at its best when Alan Davis took over the book. With that in mind today I’m going to bring you an Alan Davis interview from 1991 when he was cornered by Marvel Age magazine before his run on Excalibur started, and where he spoke about his hopes for the book and Captain Britain.

The article starts after the cover shot below, you can either read the scanned pages or following them I have picked out some points of interest, so you can get the get the feel of the interview if you cannot read the scans.

Marvel Age issue 100 Alan Davis Captain Britain interview

Yes at one point in time Marvel did allow their comics to reach issue 100 and not reboot them, anyway here’s the interview.

Marvel Age issue 100 Alan Davis Captain Britain interview page 1


Page 2

Marvel Age issue 100 Alan Davis Captain Britain interview page 2

Page 3

Marvel Age issue 100 Alan Davis Captain Britain interview page 3

The interview starts with a potted history of Davis’ involvement with Excalibur before promising us  “an ambitious new story line that will reveal the true purpose behind the origins of the team.”  High stakes indeed what were Davis views?

“Editor Terry Kavanagh has asked me to wind up some of the loose ends and make resolutions to certain character developments.” A fair comment, as recent issues of Excalibur prior to Davis’ take over had to me become a bit of a continuity nightmare and full of “funny” stories which certainly didn’t lead to any character development, and often where far from being kind to the team. Marvel editorial were I’m certain probably well aware of this, and while no note is made of dwindling sales I can’t help but feel handing the title over to Davis might have been a kill or cure editorial choice. Luckily they chose well, but back to the interview.

Excalibur and Captain Britain foes Gatecrasher’s Technet were due to return and Davis describes them brilliantly: “They’re basically pretty useless and incompetent: getting into situations where, because of their own clumsiness and lack of planning things fall apart.. ” A true definition of the Technet certainly, and those who read Davis’ Excalibur run will certainly remember he shook them up, and gave them a temporary new leader.

Davis when asked about the plot replies: ” It’s all very complex, I’ve got myself a flowchart of where everyone’s going to be at different points, in different dimensions.”  Looking back this was certainly reflected in Davis’ writing, never where there issues as throw away as recent Excalibur stories had been up to his coming on board, but never where the stories so convoluted that like other X titles fans might feel lost.

Let’s take a look at how Davis planned to handle Captain Britain: ” Although he’s an intellectual Captain Britain’s very quick-tempered and slightly arrogant in his own knowledge”. Plot wise Davis stated “Basically our Captain Britain is a rogue. He’s not done what he’s told.. he’s let his side down and he’ll be in for some penalties.” Davis played his cards close to his chest here as he wrote in Cap’s cursed blunder factor that had made him as he was, and how it’s removal bought forward a more stable person who was no longer a buffoon, but a fully fledged hero confident in his power and aware of his responsibilities.

Alan signs off with how his career and drawing and writing Cap’s have seemingly become entwined. “When I left working for Marvel UK I thought I’d waved goodbye to Captain Britain… it was only when Chris – Claremont – offered me Excalibur that I started to work on him again. Then when I left last year I didn’t think I would ever work on Excalibur again. It was completely out of the blue when Terry Kavanagh offered it to me to write and draw.

So, I hope you enjoyed that retrospective look at Alan Davis and how he felt prior to his taking over Excalibur in 1991, if you want to read more about Davis and his early work check out my articles here…

Alan Davis Modern Masters part one.

Alan Davis Modern Masters part two.

Alan Davis Modern Masters part three.

Alan Davis scripted Excalibur 42 to 67 and his whole story has been collected in three trades, if you haven’t read it yet it’s highly recommended with its massive story lines, great art and offbeat sense of humor.

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Captain Britain in the Marvel OverPower card game

After my post showing Captain Britain in the Marvel War of Heroes online trading card; game a number of readers contacted me to say had I seen the Captain Britain cards in the old OverPower game.  I was aware of the set but didn’t own a full one, so intrigued a quick visit to Ebay soon saw me in possession of what I think is a complete set which I have now scanned for your pleasure.

First a bit of background, OverPower was a collectible trading card game by Marvel/Fleer which was launched in August 1995, Wikipedia has more on the set here if you are interested. Despite Captain Britain’s rocky popularity with Marvel he made it into the set and now you can enjoy his cards here.

Let’s start with what I call the base card which outlines Cap’s attributes.

Captain Britain Overpower hero card

Not sure who the artist is here – a sadly common theme as you will see, please comment if you have any ideas – but those stats deserve a closer look. Yes Cap’s intellect is officially recognized, and close to Mr Fantastic’s score of 8 so well done OverPower you’re off to a strong start.

Which leads me to my favorite card and inspiration for this post.

Captain Britain Overpower Physics genius card












I love this card for its recognition of Cap’s intelligence and the picture, is our heroes mind on higher things or is he simply waiting to bid on an Ebay auction at the last moment? Sadly we will never know.

Now for a card I only own as a facsimile but has two variants, first off is an image of my facsimile of which the art now decorates my mighty Captain Britain omnibus.

Captain Britain Overpower Britains champion card

my facsimile

Then a variant card of the above, art also by Alan Davis, I don’t own this I just found the image online.

Captain Britain Overpower Britains champion alternate card2

And another variant card design, this time with art by Joe Jusko. Yet again not one I own but found online.

Captain Britain Overpower Britains champion alternate card

I’m not sure if these are official variants, fan made or promo images, if you happen to know let me know via the comments.

Captain Britain Overpower Battleworthy card

I’m not sure who Cap’s victims are here or who the artist is for this card, but I do like the worn costume effect.

Captain Britain Overpower Supersonic card

A slightly off center Cap flies into action here, and is it just me or does it look like he’s wearing an apron?

Captain Britain Overpower Super Endurance card

Here Cap is down but certainly not out.

Captain Britain Overpower prodigious strength card

And lastly a determined Cap looks set to deliver a mighty punch.

I hope you’ve enjoyed our look at Captain Britain’s OverPower cards they’re a nice quirky addition to my Captain Britain trading card collection and quite often pop up on Ebay if you fancy owning them. If you have any further details on these cards or info on the artists then please sound off in the comments below.

You can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views by liking The Captain Britain fans’ page and Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at captainbritainblog@gmail.com

Facebook followers not only get the regular posts but extra content I dredge from the site’s archives or I find as I trawl the internet

Just a bit of redecorating

No your eyes aren’t deceiving you I have changed the name of the site to The Captain Britain fan’s page and blog. Why? Well, I just thought the new name was more inviting and I feel the site is more than a blog now and thought I should make changes to that effect.

At the same time I thought I might change the banner as well as it’s nearly two years old and getting a bit wrinkly, saying that I’m not too taken with the new one so that might change soon to something based on the image below.

Captain britain logo


So there’s nothing more to say except it it fan’s page or fans page? My English is terrible.

You can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views fit to print by likingThe Captain Britain fan’s page and Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook ? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at captainbritainblog@gmail.com

Facebook followers not only get the regular posts but extra content I dredge from the site’s archives or I find as I trawl the internet.

Secret Wars 2, it’s all change for Captain Britain

Hold on to your star sceptres Captain Britain fans as this weeks Secret Wars 2 has major changes in store for our hero. Yes entering the Secret War this week we have the good Cap and the citizens of Higher Avalon in all their glory, but is it the Captain Britain we know and love?

Spoilers for this weeks Secret Wars issue 2 follow the cover below, read no further if you don’t want to see what’s happened to Captain Britain now.

Secret Wars 2 with Captain Britain

So where to start? Well, it seems the all the Battleworld’s are ruled over by Dr Doom and the one Captain Britain was assigned to – Higher Avalon –  is no exception, so the Braddock family works for the good Doctor, that’s right you did read that correctly the Braddock Family, as in the picture below.

Secret Wars 2 Captain britain and family

So we have Jamie Braddock as head of the family, Brian and Meggan – who is pregnant and Betsy, yes the surprises keep coming don’t they, Meggan is pregnant as confirmed in the picture below.

Secret Wars 2 Captain britain and pregnant Meggan

The Braddock’s are summoned before Doom and soon are embroiled in a verbal battle of wits with Mr Sinister, who decides he wants the dispute settled in the old way – trial by combat against Brian. The combat starts well as you can see below.

Secret Wars 2 Captain Britain fights Mr Sinister

However even headless Sinister soon defeats Brian but Doom needs him alive as he believes he has answers to the location of a secret chamber where folk plot to defeat him.

Secret Wars 2 Captain Britain is in trouble with Doom

Things look bad for Brian until Jamie steps in and takes the blame, Brian is promoted and Doom’s hand stayed by Susan Reed – Mr Fantastic’s wife.

Secret Wars 2 Captain Britain gets promoted

Jamie’s punishment is to bring justice to the Deadlands where it seems some of the Marvel Zombies lurk.

Secret Wars 2 Jamie Braddock gets exiled

So armed with an unnamed magic sword he does just that not even letting Venom scare him.

Secret Wars 2 Jamie Braddock vs Venom

Though his chances of survival do seem quite slim.

Secret Wars 2 Jamie Braddock vs Zombies

So that’s a lot to take in, Jamie Braddock, Megan pregnant, the Braddock’s subservient to Dr Doom and a whole lot more, Secret Wars 2 pulls no punches when it comes to shaking up Captain Britain’s corner of the Marvel universe.

I find myself surprised by guessing Meggan’s pregnancy in my post here , and at the same time predicting the return of Jamie Braddock – though I thought it was the Ultimate Universe one.

So is all this change good, bad or even permanent? I’m hoping for some permanency especially with Meggan’s pregnancy which is an interesting plot twist and explains her absence in other Secret Wars titles like Mighty Defenders. It’s also an intriguing idea to see the Braddock’s not all powerful but beholden to Doom, with the Higher Avalon mystic background it brings together fantasy elements with the back stabbing and skulduggery of Games of Thrones. Hickman leaves a lot of questions unanswered such as what powers does Brian Braddock have, will Jamie survive, what is the Secret Chamber and how did that eye mysteriously reappear. Of course a lot of this could just be answered by saying it’s Secret Wars and that’s how it is, but I hope Cap and the Higher Avalon crew will reappear soon with some answers.

What do you think of Secret Wars 2 and all its Captain Britain changes? What do you think might happen next? Let me know in the comments below.

You can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views fit to print by likingThe Captain Britain Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook ? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at captainbritainblog@gmail.com

Facebook followers not only get the regular posts but extra content I dredge from the site’s archives or I find as I trawl the internet.

Martin Freeman to play Captain Britain in Civil War movie?

So the internet lit up last night with the news that Hobbit superstar Martin Freeman has been cast in Marvel’s upcoming Captain America: Civil War movie,  due in 2016.

Lot’s of people including myself are hoping that in the film he will be playing the role of Captain Britain, but his part has not been revealed as of yet.

Martin freeman as Captain britain

Is there any chance of this casting, well I’m not sure. Freeman is a versatile actor who has undertaken a variety of roles all to great critical acclaim, but Captain Britain? Too me his image doesn’t fit my idea of an onscreen Cap, but my thoughts are obviously comparing him to his comic book image while a film version could differ vastly to the printed page’s Cap.

Personally I think Freeman would make a great Inspector Dai Thomas, but I can’t see him turning up in Civil War somehow!

Who do you think Freeman will play in Civil War? Could it be Captain Britain? let me know in the comments below.

You can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views fit to print by likingThe Captain Britain Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook ? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at captainbritainblog@gmail.com

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Captain Britain in Free Comic Book Day’s Secret Wars 0.

So today I abandoned my lie in and made my way over to Birmingham to grab some comics as part of Free Comic Book Day, my goal being to get hold of Secret Wars issue 0 as Captain Britain was in it.

Despite the cold and queues my mission was a success, and I can now report on the comic, as per usual if you wish to avoid spoilers read no further.

Free Comic Book Day Secret Wars 0 Captain Britain

For a ten page story the comic does a magnificent job of summarizing everything leading up to Secret Wars, and what the reader can expect when Secret Wars launches. Hickman uses Valeria Richards – Mr Fantastic’s daughter – as the narrator and it’s in her flashback that we see Captain Britain.

Captain Britain in Secret Wars 0

Valeria is telling her audience that hero has turned on hero due to the events of Time Runs Out which is why we see Cap in a battle royale. Now this panel is a 100% flashback to before Secret Wars, and too me seems to occur before Time Runs Out as well, that is why we see Captain Britain looking as he always did, and not the disheveled one-eyed hero we see in Time Runs Out.

So as I reported on here it seems Secret Wars 0 is hinting Captain Britain might just change costume for Secret Wars, as per the preview panel from the forthcoming series below. The reason for the change being perhaps because of the death of the Corps and as Secret Wars 0 states friend has now been pitted against friend Cap changes costume to ease his memories, or just to make a statement. who knows?

Secret wars 1 with Captain Britain and Meggan

Unless of course this panel is a flashback as well!

Anyway back to Secret wars 0, it’s hard from just one panel to tell which side Captain Britain is on, but we do know from the end of Time Runs Out that he joined the so call good guys, and is one of the last Avengers standing going into Secret Wars.

Avengers 44 with Captain Britain and the last Avengers

So there we have Secret Wars 0 in a nutshell, a great introduction but one that not surprisingly keeps all its cards close to its chest, let’s hope more is revealed once the first issue is out.

Before I go I just want to say a big thanks to Nostalgia and Comics in Birmingham where I got my copy of Secret Wars 0, their free comic day event was well organised, had biscuits, lots of people dressed up and lots of kids. Despite a short wait in the cold once inside it the store kept everyone moving but made sure everyone got what they wanted, hats off to a great store .

You can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views fit to print by likingThe Captain Britain Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook ? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at captainbritainblog@gmail.com

Facebook followers not only get the regular posts but extra content I dredge from the site’s archives or I find as I trawl the internet.