The Captain Britain Fans’ page and Blog Closes.

UPDATE the Captain Britain Facebook page is still open.



It’s with a heavy heart that today my Captain Britain Blog closes its doors for good. The last two years – on and off – that I’ve spent writing about Cap and his marvelous world has been fun but now it’s time to bring it all to an end.

Captain Britain joins secret avengers 1

Why? Well I simply don’t have the time to write about Cap anymore, or trace down news on him. The reason for this lack of time is my unexpected success in writing poetry, my book is doing well – for an amateur self published effort – and I want to spend more time performing and writing poems so something has to give and that something is this blog.

So I’m not going to prevaricate or waffle, it was a great time but now I’m moving on. Thanks to all the supporters, retweeters, news hounds and commenters. Thanks to Avengers UK for the support and allowing me to write a comic with them and the talented Pete Jones.

Even if Cap does come back – and I hope he does – I’m going to leave that to someone else to write about and I bet there will be plenty of you.

So long and thanks,


Still blogging and writing poems here


Captain Britain spotted in Benidorm

With Captain Britain news light and my summer holiday imminent the blog will be shutting down for two weeks starting from today.

I hope you all have a good summer break and I’ll see you in a fortnight. Until then please enjoy this Captain Britain entry I found on Trip Advisor.

Captain Britain on holiday


Until next time you can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views by liking The Captain Britain fans’ page and Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at

Facebook followers not only get the regular posts but extra content I dredge from the site’s archives or I find as I trawl the internet

Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders. If you only buy one Secret Wars comic make sure it’s this one

When Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders was announced a lot of Cap fans myself included were excited by the idea but disappointed not to see the original Captain Britain in his own Secret Wars title. Since then we’ve had Secret Wars issue 2 and fans are now uncertain if they are glad their wish came true or not.

Anyway now Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders issue one is finally here I can honestly say it’s a great read and fills the original Captain Britain gap so well I think fans are going to be disappointed it’s a limited series. Why is it so good ? My full thoughts follow the cover image, beware they contain spoilers. So if you haven’t read Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders yet do yourself a favor and get hold of a copy, read it and then come back. You won’t regret it!

Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders cover issue 1

Mighty Defenders opens with an interesting twist on Marvel history and Ewing continues to entertain throughout issue 1. The cast is well introduced, with Ewing never straying too far from the action and he also brings an interesting sub plot to the title as characters seem to remember their pre Secret Wars identities in mini flashback sequences, that added a nice extra dimension to the story. And what a great story it is.

Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders Fazia Hussain enters

Faiza is lost, adrift almost in time and space. She also remembers her life before Secret Wars, which we see in this nice flashback panel.

Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders Fazia Hussain remembers Captain Britain

Seeking refuge in Yinsen City, Faiza’s actions violate the laws of Dr Doom who in an act of petty revenge destroys the peace by allowing Yinsen’s despotic neighbour, Mondo City, to invade. Which they proceed to do quickly and in style.

Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders look at all my guns

Faiza and the Defenders of Yinsen City are quick to retaliate, in a great tightly paced action sequence that Davis illustrates magnificently. But just when things are going well….

Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders Fazia Hussain in action

Faiza is laid low by a sneaky telekinetic attack from this Battleworld’s version of Emma Frost and the issue ends with her captive but defiant.

Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders Fazia Hussain in trouble

That’s a great  looking panel and I was going to discuss the art in detail. However after some thought all there is to say is Alan Davis draws the hell out of this story and it all looks bloody gorgeous. On top of this great art when you then add in Mark Farmer’s inks and Wil Quintana’s colours you get a really rather lovely looking book.

So if you only pick up one Secret Wars title I certainly recommend this one. It has a cracking story, marvelous art and will keep you gripped from cover to cover. I’ve tried to not reveal all the surprises and great extras that pepper the book as I hope as you encounter them as I did they will bring a smile to your face and make you just want to read more.

Have you read Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders yet? Do you agree or disagree with my review? Why not let me know in the comments section below.

Until next time you can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views by liking The Captain Britain fans’ page and Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at

Facebook followers not only get the regular posts but extra content I dredge from the site’s archives or I find as I trawl the internet

Captain Britain at Wimbledon. The joyful insanity that is Spidey Super Stories 32.

Did you know that in 1978 Captain Britain appeared at Wimbledon or as it was known then Wimbleton? Did you know that at the hallowed tennis club he joined Spider-Man in a tennis match against Dr Octopus? No? Well all of this happened in Spidey Super Stories issue 32, let me tell you about it.

Before we start I must confess I only found out about this story in the last twenty-four hours and I am indebted to followers of the Captain Britain fans’ page and blog Facebook page, in particular Janet Black for bringing this piece of Captain Britain madness to my attention. This story is so great it would be rude not to share it with my readers but first a bit of background

Started in the Seventies Spidey Super Stories was a comic spin-off from the TV show of the same name. Issue 32 saw Spidey team up with Captain Britain in a rather topical adventure set at the Wimbledon/Wimbleton tennis tournament. For those who like the facts this story was written by Jim Salicrup and penciled by Win Mortimer, it was published in March 1978.

Please enjoy the story as it appeared so many years ago below, apologies for the quality of the scans they are taken from YouTube.

Cap attempts to foil a heist by Doc Ock. You have got to love those old fashioned bank bags full of coins, so impractical.

Super Spidey stories 32 Captain Britain 2

Spidey in London for various reasons joins in, only for there to be the usual mix up. I love the last panel here with the “SOCK” as Cap brains Spidey.

Super Spidey stories 32 Captain Britain 3

Aunt May is dragged into the fight as Doc Ock uses her as a hostage to get to Wimbledon/ Wimbleton. At no time is it explained why Aunt May has a flower pot on her head but moving on.

Super Spidey stories 32 Captain Britain 4

Cap and Spidey team up and head after him, despite the petty name calling. Flag face indeed!

Super Spidey stories 32 Captain Britain 5

Doc Ock shows he’s certainly not going to play fair.

Super Spidey stories 32 Captain Britain 6

Armed with a web bat and staff Captain Britain and Spidey challenge Doc Ock. Gotta love those super mustaches on the Wimbleton judges.

Super Spidey stories 32 Captain Britain 7

And Doc Ock reveals his true motives, stealing the Wimbledon/Wimbleton prize money.

Super Spidey stories 32 Captain Britain 8

Luckily with a combination of web and force field Cap and Spidey stop the nefarious villain.

Super Spidey stories 32 Captain Britain 9

And with Aunt May rescued by Spider-Woman, Doc Ock is marched off to jail

Super Spidey stories 32 Captain Britain 10

I’m for once lost for words, this one-off story is so mad and marvelous in its insanity. I love the idea that Captain Britain appeared at Wimbledon/Wimbleton, I love the idea Doc Ock is good at tennis simply because he has so many arms and I love the fact Cap uses his brains and force field to capture the Doc.

I’m not sure why Wimbledon is renamed Wimbleton, I mean it was only in 1977 that Cap faced off against the Queen and Marvel didn’t see fit to change anything then so why Wimbledon’s name was altered is beyond me?

Apparently I’m informed this isn’t Cap’s only appearance in Spidey Super Stories and I have an eBay order out for another wild tale. If your interested in this series why not check out Robin Barnard and his talented friends excellent parodies of these comics on Facebook. Check it out here.

Until next time you can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views by liking The Captain Britain fans’ page and Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at

Facebook followers not only get the regular posts but extra content I dredge from the site’s archives or I find as I trawl the internet


The Captain Britain news round up for June 2015. Will we see a new series soon?

Welcome to a new feature for the Captain Britain fans’ page and blog, a news and views round-up of all things Cap, for June 2015. Will we see a new Captain Britain series after Secret Wars? Just why was the Contest of Champions so crazy? Read on and find out.

June 1st

So we started the month with some bad news from Cap, as he was expunged from a Marvel Universe poster.

Read more about the now you see him and now you don’t Captain Britain here.

June 3rd

Meanwhile after a center stage performance in Secret Wars issue two, Cap and the Braddock family get glossed over in issue 3. But Meggan branches out.

Read about Cap’s off panel cameo and Meggan in A-Force here.

June 8th

Over on Facebook Cap voiced his displeasure at the start of another week.

June 10th

Luckily it wasn’t all bad, kick back with a look at some classic Cap action from 1982 when he appeared in the Contest of Champions.

Read about how Cap for once found himself paired with some marvel A-listers here.

June 11th

Over on Facebook we covered current Captain Britain and the Mighty Defender’s writer Al Ewing’s favorite heroes.

June 15th

Your monthly ahhhh factor is delivered via this picture of pint size Cap and Meggan. You’re welcome.

June 17th

Ever wondered why Captain Britain and Dr Doom don’t get on?

Administer a mighty Stplanng and click here to read more.

June 23rd

Why not take a look at my Top 5 favorite Captain Britain custom action figures.

Click here to see the surprise number one.

June 24th

Good news for digital comics fans as more Cap content comes to Comixology.

June 28th

We end the month on some interesting news, a rumour that there will be a Captain Britain ongoing series after Secret Wars.

So I hope you found that news and views round-up useful. Let me know what you think, do the fancy Facebook inserts work and how it could be improved in the comments below.

This was only a highlight of June for Captain Britain, you can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views by liking The Captain Britain fans’ page and Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at

Facebook followers not only get the regular posts but extra content I dredge from the site’s archives or I find as I trawl the internet





The top 5 most original Captain Britain custom action figures

There’s a lot of very talented people out there making custom action figures of Captain Britain, and today we’re going to highlight five of these creators and their work. People who were not content to make standard Cap figures, but went that one step further to produce some great original action figures.

Let’s start with a great take on Cap, one that shows him without his mask.

Cap brit no mask resize

Designed and built by Mat’s Customs, I love the perfect capture of Brian Braddock with his marvelous coiffure.

Next is a figure I’ve featured before but which always impresses me with its level of detail, zombie Captain Britain.


He really looks fierce, and is that the remnants of Nightcrawler he’s holding ?

Next up is a great retro figure.

CaptainBritain mego

From Troy Younger comes a Mego Cap which imagines how he might have looked had he been released as an action figure in the Seventies.

I’m not sure what this figure represents so I’ve called it medieval Cap.

medieval captain britain

From toycutter I love Cap’s shield and sword plus the figure seems bulkier almost as if that’s armour Cap is wearing.

The last figure now and I believe I’ve saved the best til last.


From Jodi Moisan via the John Byrne forum comes this fantastic My Little Pony Captain Britain which I think is marvelous.

So there you have five original Captain Britain custom figures which celebrate the amazing talents of his fans. Which is your favourite ? Do you own any custom Captain Britain figures? Let me know in the comments below.

Until next time you can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views by liking The Captain Britain fans’ page and Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at

Facebook followers not only get the regular posts but extra content I dredge from the site’s archives or I find as I trawl the internet


New Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders preview pages

Courtesy of CBR we have the variant cover and some preview art from Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders to share.

Captain Britian and the Mighty Defenders variant cover by Frazer irvingCaptain Britian and the Mighty Defenders preview page 1 by Alan Davis








Captain Britian and the Mighty Defenders preview page 2 by Alan Davis

Captain Britian and the Mighty Defenders preview page 3 by Alan Davis

Captain Britian and the Mighty Defenders preview page 4 by Alan Davis

Starring Faiza Hussain and due out on July 15th, Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders will be penned by Al Ewing and Alan Davis will be on art. Frazer Irving provides the variant cover to issue one, shown above.

Is Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders on your pull list? Sound off with your thoughts about the preview art and the series in the comments box below.

Until next time you can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views by liking The Captain Britain fans’ page and Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at

Facebook followers not only get the regular posts but extra content I dredge from the site’s archives or I find as I trawl the internet

Is this why Captain Britain and Dr Doom don’t get on in Secret Wars?

As another week of Secret Wars comics comes and goes without Captain Britain I decided to re-read some old issues of Excalibur looking for interesting stories to post about. What I came across was a story that I think goes a long way to explaining why Captain Britain and Dr Doom don’t get on in Secret Wars.

Read my comments on Secret Wars 2 here if you need to bring yourself up to speed with the changes to Captain Britain first, else please continue.

The action takes place in Excalibur issue 37 from 1991, Scott Lobdell handled the script while Mark Badger provided the art. Here’s the cover.

Captain Britain and Dr Doom Excalibur 37

As you can see insanity awaits within as Dr Doom manages to trick Kitty Pryde into allowing him into the realm of Limbo where he wants to harvest the power of Promethium for his own nefarious aims.

All pretty standard super hero fare but this comic does cover a marvelous fight between Captain Britain and Dr Doom which lifts the story above what you might have expected to read.

Realizing  Dr Doom is up to no good Cap squares off against him despite Dr Doom believing himself safe.

Captain Britain and Dr Doom 1

Captain Britain using his mighty arm and brain deals Doom an unexpected blow, but just how much power can Cap muster?

Captain Britain and Dr Doom 2

Quite a lot it seems as he punches Doom into orbit around Limbo, though Doom being Doom is unimpressed, in spite of the sonic boom.

Captain Britain and Dr Doom 3

But Doom even with his seeming indifference seems to harbor a modicum of respect for Cap and his power.

So there we have a fine example of Captain Britain using his mighty mind and superb strength and making an impression on one of Marvel’s most arrogant foes, which is something even Reed Richards has had difficulty doing. This encounter might also explain Doom’s need for revenge against Cap which he sort in the pages of Captain Britain and MI-13’s Vampire state story.

Now I know that in Secret Wars the characters are supposed to not know what their lives were before they arrived in their new homes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Dr Doom has worked a way around this. Which might explain his sentencing Jamie Braddock to certain death. Even if he hasn’t it’s hard to imagine such a mighty blow from Cap not lingering at the back of Doom’s mind, and fueling his anti-Braddock sentiments.

Until next time you can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views by liking The Captain Britain fans’ page and Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at

Facebook followers not only get the regular posts but extra content I dredge from the site’s archives or I find as I trawl the internet

Captain Britain in the crazy Contest of Champions

With no sign of any Captain Britain appearances in this weeks Secret Wars comics I thought it would be fun to have a look at a past Cap crossover, the Contest of Champions.

Published in June 1982 Contest of Champions was a three issue mini series written by Mark Gruenwald, Steven Grant and Bill Mantlo, John Romita JR handled the art. This series apparently has a few distinctive firsts, it’s said to be Marvel’s very first limited series, it’s possibly the first title to ever feature nearly every Marvel Character who was “alive” at the time, and may well have been the inspiration for the Marvel Universe series. I can’t validate the authenticity of these claims, but I can guide you through Captain Britain’s fairly substantial part in this series. Firstly though the plot.

Every hero from Earth is kidnapped by a chap named the Grandmaster and his unknown associate – later revealed to be Death – who tell the heroes that twenty-four of their number will be chosen and split into two teams, the first to find four mystical artifacts wins the contest. With that the teams are chosen, and Captain Britain seems to be on what certainly could be the winning team.

Captain Britain in Contest of Champions team up

The full line up on the Guardian’s side is Captain Britain, Captain America, Talisman, Darkstar, Wolverine, Defensor, Sasquatch, Daredevil, Peregrine, Blitzkrieg, She-Hulk and the Thing.

They square off against Death’s team which consists of Iron Man, Vanguard, Iron Fist, Shamrock, Storm, Arabian Knight, Sabra, the Invisible Woman, Angel, Black Panther, Sunfire and the Collective man.

Studying the line up now I can say to me I’ve never seen a more diverse line up of heroes, except in Nextwave. Anyway on with the contest, Captain Britain and some of his team mates are teleported to the Wild West to search for one of the missing mystical artifacts.

Captain Britain in Contest of Champions 1a

While Defensor chats up She-Hulk, Cap broods….

Captain Britain in Contest of Champions 1

before setting out on his own, because that’s apparently what he does best.

Captain Britain in Contest of Champions

It isn’t long before he faces off against the Arabian Knight.

Captain Britain vs Sinbad 1

Points deducted for casual racism, don’t do it again Cap.

Captain Britain vs Sinbad


The contest ends in of all things a draw but that’s not what intrigues me about this series, but rather it’s the colorful cast of characters and the depiction of Captain Britain that draws me to this tale.

Firstly hats off to Marvel for doing a major cross over in just three issues, if this comic came out today it would be bloated with tie-in titles, spin offs and anything else Marvel could cram into its schedule. Next when I look at the story Captain Britain doesn’t really come off all that bad apart from his disrespect of super heroes from outside the UK. Sure Romita draws him with a marvelous flock of hair that wouldn’t look out-of-place on an eighties pop star, but as it’s Romita and I’m a big fan of his art I’m willing to forgive. I mean who doesn’t like his excellent kinetic depiction of Cap doing his acrobatics, which is surely the highlight of his art in this series.

What also strikes me about this team-up is that the heroes are gathered from all around the world, according to Wikipedia the countries represented are,

“Blitzkrieg (Germany); Collective Man (China); Defensor (Argentina); Peregrine (France); Shamrock (Ireland); and Talisman (Australia).”

Plus I reckon we have Captain Britain for the UK, Sasquatch and Wolverine for Canada, Black Panther for Africa/Wakanda, Sunfire for Japan, Arabian Knight for Saudi Arabia and Sabra for Israel. So the Contest of Champions is perhaps also the first and maybe the only comic to feature an extensive line up of heroes, many of which don’t call the USA their home.

So there we have Contest of Champions, a series I thoroughly enjoyed simply because it does the job it sets out to do in that lots of heroes fight each other. Sure the plot is wafer thin but name me a Marvel crossover that isn’t, the title isn’t afraid to have fun and feature some great fisticuffs with heroes who had never met before, and in some cases never meet again. Of course I’m biased as Captain Britain is in the Contest and not just for a couple of pages either, sure his appearance isn’t his best but then again it’s not his worse cross over, at least he managed to finish with both of his eyes this time.

Have you read Contest of Champions, if so what are your thoughts on it ? let me know in the comments below.

Until next time you can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views by liking The Captain Britain fans’ page and Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at

Facebook followers not only get the regular posts but extra content I dredge from the site’s archives or I find as I trawl the internet