The top 5 most original Captain Britain custom action figures

There’s a lot of very talented people out there making custom action figures of Captain Britain, and today we’re going to highlight five of these creators and their work. People who were not content to make standard Cap figures, but went that one step further to produce some great original action figures.

Let’s start with a great take on Cap, one that shows him without his mask.

Cap brit no mask resize

Designed and built by Mat’s Customs, I love the perfect capture of Brian Braddock with his marvelous coiffure.

Next is a figure I’ve featured before but which always impresses me with its level of detail, zombie Captain Britain.


He really looks fierce, and is that the remnants of Nightcrawler he’s holding ?

Next up is a great retro figure.

CaptainBritain mego

From Troy Younger comes a Mego Cap which imagines how he might have looked had he been released as an action figure in the Seventies.

I’m not sure what this figure represents so I’ve called it medieval Cap.

medieval captain britain

From toycutter I love Cap’s shield and sword plus the figure seems bulkier almost as if that’s armour Cap is wearing.

The last figure now and I believe I’ve saved the best til last.


From Jodi Moisan via the John Byrne forum comes this fantastic My Little Pony Captain Britain which I think is marvelous.

So there you have five original Captain Britain custom figures which celebrate the amazing talents of his fans. Which is your favourite ? Do you own any custom Captain Britain figures? Let me know in the comments below.

Until next time you can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views by liking The Captain Britain fans’ page and Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at

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Captain Britain spotted in Marvel Line-Up poster, then he vanishes.

While I was browsing the Bleeding Cool comic book news website I was struck by an article which included an official poster of Marvel’s 2015 superhero line up.

Why was I drawn to the poster? Well, I was interested to see if Captain Britain makes the line-up, and to my surprise there he was. See if you can spot him in the poster below.

Captain Britain in Marvel 2015 line up

What do you mean you can’t see him, click the image to enlarge it or check out the poster below.

Captain Britain in Marvel 2015 line up 2

So when the Fantastic Four and the X-Men are removed from the poster due to Marvel film rights shenanigans Cap will be safe won’t he?

Here’s the altered poster.

Captain Britain in Marvel 2015 line up 3

Click to enlarge, but I’m certain Cap has been removed from the altered poster. Why? Well it’s either because he’s in the X-Men movie or Marvel just forgot to put him back in? Me I’m betting on the latter.

Thanks to Bleeding Cool for the article that inspired this post.

Oh well it was nice to see Captain Britain proudly but briefly taking his place alongside the rest of the Marvel heroes. Maybe he’s still there, I mean I wear glasses so I might have missed him hiding behind Moon Knight’s cape or is he being blocked by Ego the living planet? If you can spot him in the altered poster please let me know so my faith in the Marvel merchandising department can be restored.

Until then you can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views by liking The Captain Britain fans’ page and Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at

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Captain Britain in the Marvel OverPower card game

After my post showing Captain Britain in the Marvel War of Heroes online trading card; game a number of readers contacted me to say had I seen the Captain Britain cards in the old OverPower game.  I was aware of the set but didn’t own a full one, so intrigued a quick visit to Ebay soon saw me in possession of what I think is a complete set which I have now scanned for your pleasure.

First a bit of background, OverPower was a collectible trading card game by Marvel/Fleer which was launched in August 1995, Wikipedia has more on the set here if you are interested. Despite Captain Britain’s rocky popularity with Marvel he made it into the set and now you can enjoy his cards here.

Let’s start with what I call the base card which outlines Cap’s attributes.

Captain Britain Overpower hero card

Not sure who the artist is here – a sadly common theme as you will see, please comment if you have any ideas – but those stats deserve a closer look. Yes Cap’s intellect is officially recognized, and close to Mr Fantastic’s score of 8 so well done OverPower you’re off to a strong start.

Which leads me to my favorite card and inspiration for this post.

Captain Britain Overpower Physics genius card












I love this card for its recognition of Cap’s intelligence and the picture, is our heroes mind on higher things or is he simply waiting to bid on an Ebay auction at the last moment? Sadly we will never know.

Now for a card I only own as a facsimile but has two variants, first off is an image of my facsimile of which the art now decorates my mighty Captain Britain omnibus.

Captain Britain Overpower Britains champion card

my facsimile

Then a variant card of the above, art also by Alan Davis, I don’t own this I just found the image online.

Captain Britain Overpower Britains champion alternate card2

And another variant card design, this time with art by Joe Jusko. Yet again not one I own but found online.

Captain Britain Overpower Britains champion alternate card

I’m not sure if these are official variants, fan made or promo images, if you happen to know let me know via the comments.

Captain Britain Overpower Battleworthy card

I’m not sure who Cap’s victims are here or who the artist is for this card, but I do like the worn costume effect.

Captain Britain Overpower Supersonic card

A slightly off center Cap flies into action here, and is it just me or does it look like he’s wearing an apron?

Captain Britain Overpower Super Endurance card

Here Cap is down but certainly not out.

Captain Britain Overpower prodigious strength card

And lastly a determined Cap looks set to deliver a mighty punch.

I hope you’ve enjoyed our look at Captain Britain’s OverPower cards they’re a nice quirky addition to my Captain Britain trading card collection and quite often pop up on Ebay if you fancy owning them. If you have any further details on these cards or info on the artists then please sound off in the comments below.

You can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views by liking The Captain Britain fans’ page and Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance. You can also email the site with news, feature ideas or whatever is on your mind at

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Captain Britain: it’s all in the cards, Marvel War of Heroes cards that is.

Yesterday thanks to Eric on Pinterest I was able to share on Facebook the new Captain Britain card art for Marvel’s Legendary card game, this got me thinking about other Cap card art that might be hidden away only known to card players.

A quick Google search turned up twelve Captain Britain cards from Marvel War of Heroes mobile card game; so I thought it would be fun to share them and their flavour text with you. The cards are divided into six categories which themselves have interesting titles. so let’s start with…

Merlyn’s Champion


“When you stand between two worlds, sometimes you fall into the trap of thinking you’ve got to choose one over the other. Took me a long time to figure out that wasn’t true.”


“The Otherworld gave me a chance to live again… but this is the world I live in, and this is the world I’ll die to defend.”

I do like the way the art is taken from a Captain Britain and MI-13 cover and reversed to get two cards from one image – a common theme for these cards as you will see. However the text has me confused, in one breath Cap is saying he will fight for all worlds, and in the other he’s not, he really needs to get off the fence.

Rule Britannia Captain Britain


“Dying after a motorcycle accident, physics student Brian Braddock was saved by Merlin and given new life as Captain Britain. He is a mainstay of the British team Excalibur–and twin brother to Betsy Braddock, better known as Psylocke.”


“He draws his powers from his costume, which taps an interdimensional energy field. This allows him to fly, and the suit also gives him superhuman strength, agility, and durability, thanks to the force field it projects at all times.”

Nice manipulated art again to get two cards from one image, but yet again the text seems a bit odd. The cards seem to quote Cap’s origin or how he fared power wise in the Eighties, so don’t match the MI-13 Cap in the pictures.

Excalibur Captain Britain


“A dying Brian Braddock became Captain Britain after choosing the Amulet of Right (or Life) over the Sword of Might (or Death) when both were presented to him by Merlin and his daughter Roma.”


“Originally, Captain Britain’s powers were linked to the Amulet of Right, worn around his neck, and he depended on a mace-like Star Scepter to fly. Currently, Braddock’s powers are sustained by his own confidence and heritage as the son of a denizen of Otherworld.”

So cards linking Captain Britain with the mystical sword Excalibur have text that shows Cap chose an amulet over a sword during his origin. Ok so it might not have been that dramatic to show Cap clutching an amulet on a card, but what do I know? I do like the Excalibur wielding Cap though, that sword he is holding really does look the business.

One of many Captain Britains


“Merlyn founded the Captain Britain Corps- composed of Captain Britains from across the multiverse- -to defend reality.”


“The Captain Britain Corps includes several versions of Brian Braddock, proving that he was chosen as a defender of mankind in several realities.”

So now we’re on to the Captain Britain Corps represented here by a member in their pajamas. It’s nice to see the Corps get a name check, but from its multitude of members we have one very lacklustre looking representative.

Second life Captain Britain


“Captain Britain draws strength from the damage he inflicts on his energies. Part of this is undoubtedly psychological, but there is a genuine effect, possibly produced by his Otherworld nature and amplified by the energy-storing capabilities Merlyn added to his costume.”


“After Captain Britain’s death and rebirth, Merlyn took his magical tinkering a step further, imbuing Captain Britain’s body with his powers and transforming Captain Britain’s costume into a reservoir of interdimensional energy.”

I’m thinking second life refers to Cap’s brush with death at the hands of Ultron, but I could be wrong. The text states the more Cap damages an opponent the stronger he gets which is a play on the MI-13 version of our hero who Paul Cornell had get stronger in a similar way.

Modern legend Captain Britain


“Excalibur, the Holy Grail, Merlin, Stonehenge–these are things that represent Britain’s fabled past. I, too, share this connection… and I hope I can live up to the legends that has come before me.”


“No matter how far afield I travel–across the globe, across the universe, or into other dimensions–I must always remember that I represent Britain. I do so with humility and integrity and dignity. I do so with honor.”

These two cards certainly contain my favourite text, to me they are both like the pledge a boy scout might give, I can imagine Cap standing up and quoting these lines at Corps meetings, if they weren’t all dead. Why in the last card Cap is waving the Union Jack on what looks like a battlefield escapes me, but it’s quite a stirring image and I wouldn’t like to be on the end of that finger point.

So there we have the current selection of Captain Britain cards from Marvel War of Heroes, a mixed bunch of art and quotes but it’s nice to see Cap in the game and not sidelined. Sadly these aren’t physical cards as if they were I would certainly be looking on Ebay looking to add them to my collection.

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I’ll buy anything with Captain Britain on. NOW UPDATED

I love collecting Captain Britain memorabilia, I own cards, books, t-shirts, socks, badges and more, and I’m a keen Ebay scourer for anything that tickles my Cap collecting taste buds. Because of this habit I recently became the proud owner of another Captain Britain jigsaw to complement the one I already own, have a look at the box.

Captain Britain jigsaw 3

A brief history of Captain Britain jigsaws can be found in my original article on them here, when I believed only two jigsaws were released until I chanced on the third last week.

For those interested the jigsaw is taken from this early Cap Cover from 1976 by Herb Trimpe….

Captain Britain issue 6

The helicopter is taken from this panel in the issue….

Captain Britain jigsaw 3 helicopter panel

and the SHROOM effect taken from this panel.

Captain Britain jigsaw 3 shroom panel

If you want to see more great Captain Britain memorabilia on the site then click here

UPDATE – Thanks to Andrew Rose you can enjoy two more Cap jigsaws that he kindly photographed for the site, they’re great pics and enjoy his Captain Britain figure collection as well.

Captain britian jigsaw 3

Captain britian jigsaw 4

You can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views fit to print by likingThe Captain Britain Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right. Already following the site on Facebook ? Well you can still help by liking and sharing the blogs posts, thanks in advance.

Facebook followers not only get the regular posts but extra content I dredge from the site’s archives or I find as I trawl the internet.

What do you get a Captain Britain fan for Christmas?

As I type this Christmas is drawing ever closer and there are important decisions to be made, such as what do you get a Captain Britain fan for Xmas?

Well worry no more I’ve scanned the internet – well eBay – to bring you my top five gift ideas for the Cap fan in your life, so let’s get started.

First off why not start with a practical gift but also one that will let a Cap fan proudly show their allegiance to Marvel’s greatest hero – a t-shirt.

Official Captain Britain t shirt tattoos not included

This one doesn’t come with tattoos but the classic Alan Davis Cap pose looks great.

Captain Britain does the time warp t shirt

I’m not too sure about this one however, looks like Cap’s doing the time warp, let’s move quickly on.

How about some original Captain Britain art? This Herb Trimpe page from Captain Britain issue 21 is going for about two hundred pounds.

Herb Trimpe Captain Britain original artwork

It’s a nice scene as well with Captain Britain revealing his identity to his friends.

Too expensive? How about some giant but cheap Cap wall art.

Captain britain wall art

Twelve pounds could get you this  65″ x 24″ glossy heavy paper poster of Captain Britain, why you might choose to stick it over your bed is anyones guess, but it does look great.

Last but by no means least is the hugely desirable but quite expensive Walmart exclusive Captain Britain action figure.

Marvel Legends Captain Britain

The figure comes with an exclusive comic – actually an Excalibur reprint – and a piece of Giant Man’s leg; this beauty often goes for upwards of thirty pounds not including postage. Sure you can buy it cheaper out of the box but that’s not how I like my action figures, but I’m a fussy sort!

So what Captain Britain gifts do you want for Christmas? Let Santa know in the comments below.

You can keep up to date with all the Captain Britain news and views fit to print by liking The Captain Britain Blog on Facebook, or on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right.

Facebook followers not only get the regular posts but extra content I dredge from the site’s archives or I find as I trawl the internet.



Is this the rudest piece of Captain Britain merchandise?

Hats off to friend of The Captain Britain Blog @arbitrarygenius who has found what might be the rudest piece of Captain Britain merchandise ever.

Take a peek at the rude light switch below.

Captain Britain rude light switch

Fancy one, then click here to order, while I won’t be decorating my version of Braddock Manor with one soon the light switch certainly raised a smile.

To keep up with all the posts on this blog you can follow The Captain Britain Blog on Facebook, on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right.



Some minor faults can’t spoil my new Captain Britain action figure.

I’m always on the lookout for Captain Britain bargains on eBay, be they cards, art, badges or action figures. So imagine my delight when I not only came across a Captain Britain action figure from 1999 I hadn’t seen before, but then won the item as well.

Here’s the figure.

Captain Britain preview action figure

Instantly there are a couple of things on the figure that leap out at you, firstly it’s labelled Previews exclusive, Previews referring to the monthly comic book catalogue, so I’m imagining the figure might have been scarce or even non-existent outside of comic shops.

The next thing that caught my eye was just who is Captain Britain packaged with?

Captain Britain preview action figure Lockheed

It’s sort of hard to see from this angle but I’m 99.9% certain it’s Lockheed the companion of Kitty Pryde Caps’ Excalibur team-mate, whose inclusion is suspect, which I will get to later.

kitty pryde and Lockheed

Why Lockheed? Well the jury is still out on that one. Anyway the figure also comes with an exclusive trading card which because I won’t open the packet this is about as close as we’re going to get to it.

Captain Britain preview action figure trading card

Now Captain Britain merchandise to me lives or fails on how they describe Cap, so let’s flip the box and see how this one does.

Captain Britain preview action figure description

Not to bad though Captain Britain is not powerless without his suit but as this was 1999 that might not have been in Cap continuity at the time so I’m going to ignore it.

Finally I’m always intrigued to see what other superheroes were part of this range. The box lists Wolverine – who I believe Marvel are contractually bound to always release as an action figure – Black Bolt, and Shang-Chi. Interestingly if you study the first picture of the Cap figure you will notice Wolverine and the other heroes figures are all based on comics; whereas Captain Britain is based on a trade paperback which collects his adventures. This collection is the series of adventures from before Cap joined Excalibur and met Kitty Pryde and Lockheed, so as I said earlier the dragon’s inclusion is suspect to say the least.

Despite these two minor errors I’m quite taken with the new addition to my Captain Britain merchandise collection and considering the figure is 15 years old it’s in very good condition and now sits proudly on my shelf – out of direct sunlight don’t worry.

If you want to read about my other odd Captain Britain figure then click here.

To keep up with all the posts on this blog you can follow The Captain Britain Blog on Facebook, on Pinterest, or subscribe to this blog by entering your email in the link top right.


A Captain Britain RPG gallery

Ever since I was introduced to the RPG game Golden Heroes I often imagined myself taking to the city streets and skies to bring justice to evil doers as Captain Britain.

Sadly I never got the chance to role play as my favorite hero but a lot of other people did, so here is a gallery of Captain Britain and some look-a-likes that people have RPG’d with over the years.

Captain britian RPG

Alastair Savage kindly provide the above scan of an advert for Marvel Super Heroes from White Dwarf magazine dated 1985.


From the Marvel Heroic Role playing game another version of Cap.

City of Heroes Captain Britain

From the now closed MMO City of Heroes , Hero 1, their version of Captain Britain.

Marvel War of Heroes Captain Britain

Marvel War of Heroes Captain Britain Excalibur

From Marvel War of Heroes two versions of Captain Britain, with and without Excalibur.

Marvel RPG Cap

Another Marvel Super Heroes Captain Britain.

nightcrawler rpg

From Alastair Savage again another advert scanned from White Dwarf magazine of Captain Britain’s Excalibur team-mate Nightcrawler.

My thanks to Alastair for his scans which inspired today’s post. Why not check out his blog here.